Asepsis and infection control in dentistry - The Portugal News

2022-06-04 01:49:18 By : Ms. Anna Ma

The current pandemic has made us all aware of how an infectious disease can completely disrupt our daily routine. It was also the occasion to see, at least here in Portugal, that a rapid and efficient application of basic public health measures prevented what could have been a catastrophic scenario. Dental clinics were obliged to close by mid-March for all but emergency cases; the Portuguese Dental Association (OMD) issued a list of what was considered an ‘emergency’ and assured its compliance.

By Advertiser, in · 24 Apr 2020, 01:00 · 0 Comments

Infection control has been a concern of practitioners ever since the early days of ‘modern’ dentistry at the end of the 19th century. Surgeons and obstetricians had already discovered the essential gestures of hand washing and disinfection of instruments. During the 1930’s and 40’s autoclaves, using various methods of heat, vacuum or chemical sterilisation, became more widespread. The advent of antibiotics at the end of WWII significantly improved the prognosis for bacterial infections. However viral diseases remained a problem; the micro-organism responsible for hepatitis B, for example, is particularly resistant. Elimination of this pathogen is now the ‘gold standard’ for autoclaves. Since 1982 a vaccine is available and, in many countries, medical personnel are required to be vaccinated. This same period, early 80´s, saw the first cases of AIDS. It was at this moment that the systematic use of disposable masks, gloves and eye protection came into use for all routine dental treatments, a concept known as body substance isolation (BSI). The clinic of Dr. Francis Haley, located in Cascais, is primarily concerned with Preventive Dentistry and General Practice, activities that require common sense disinfection methods but not operating room conditions. When occasionally we do implant or other surgical treatments, the daily work areas can be transformed and asepsis assured. Wherever possible, single-use disposable materials are used. Contaminated items are disposed of according to govern-mental norms. For any inquiries regarding this aspect of our practice please ask.

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